⫷ My Ceramic Journey ⫸

My love for clay stems from childhood. My Granny is a very talented artist and used to make the most beautiful pots in her studio in Cornwall. I would spend a lot of time in there making faery houses or making mud pies from the clay next to the stream, just outside it. She inspired me so much growing up!



I grew up in South West Cornwall, surrounded by folklore, history and nature, which has had a huge impact on my inspirations.

I studied Art and Design in College for 3 years and spent almost all of my free time in the pottery studio or glaze room. I would experiment with everything I could, trying out as many techniques as possible. I made large body casts, delicate casts of flowers, teapots and mugs, hand-built and thrown. I wanted to absorb as much as I possibly could. 


After college I went to Cardiff Met University to study ceramics and I graduated in 2016. I spent a lot of this time flittering between materials and techniques. Never really finding my voice. I knew I loved clay, but what did I actually want to do?! In my final year, I found porcelain. I had been avoiding this material for years, but I went for it. I spent the majority of my final year experimenting with it, pushing the limits of the porcelain.  


After I left Uni, me and my fiance moved back to Cornwall. Luckily, my Granny gave me her old kiln, so I could still make work. The lid was cracking and would crumble everywhere but it did the job. I started volunteering at the Leach Pottery in the education center where I would help out with the classes, pack the pieces from the classes to send off and prep materials. While I was volunteering at the Leach Pottery I also volunteered with the Sensory Trust and Leach Walking Impressions Project - Working with people living with dementia.I also had my work in a few galleries and joined the Marazion Gallery Collective. 


We then decided to move back to Cardiff. I missed creating so much, so I started to rent a studio space in Cardiff Pottery Workshops. This was when I properly started Cotton and Clay Design. I started to create pieces that I wanted to make for myself, not pieces that would sell in a specific gallery but just whatever I wanted. 


When I realised how much people were resonating with my work, it was the biggest realisation that I didn't have to fit in. So that is what Cotton and Clay Design is. It is one woman, sharing her mind, loves, inspiration and dreams with you all.